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By Louise Herman

Recently, Louise A. Herman, Esq. of Herman Law Group spoke with Eric T. Berkman of Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly on the misclassification claim filed by distributors against the bakery company Flowers Food, Inc. The 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the distributors were not subject to mandatory arbitration and ultimately denied their motion to enforce an arbitration clause in their contracts. Herman commented that the pendulum may be starting to swing towards workers in arbitrability disputes. She goes on to state, “Courts are taking another look and recognizing that, in certain cases, they’re not just going to rubber-stamp arbitration agreements. I think that’s a good thing because arbitration is generally not in an employee’s interest.” To read the full article, click



About the Author
At Herman Law Group, our focus is on safeguarding the rights and careers of employees and businesses alike. With over 35 years of successful legal practice, Louise A. Herman brings an invaluable dual perspective from representing both employees and employers. This unique insight allows us to effectively achieve successful outcomes for our clients in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and nationwide.